As a Catholic School, St. John the Baptist strives to remain faithful to Jesus Christ Who said, "Seek first the kingdom of God...." The school therefore places emphasis first and foremost on the teaching and practice of the Catholic faith. Therefore, all students regardless of their religious background and affiliation must participate in all the religious instruction and activities of the school – with the exception of the reception of the Sacraments for those who are not Catholic.
The administration of St. John the Baptist School recognizes that our students come from a variety of family backgrounds, some of which may not fully conform to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. The personal family background of a student does not constitute an absolute obstacle to enrollment in the school. Nor does acceptance of any child for enrollment in the school condone or imply approval of any parental living situation which may be contrary to Church teachings.
The primary purpose of St. John the Baptist School is the education of young people in order to assist them in their academic, personal and spiritual growth. Parents and guardians who enroll their children also understand that the school will remain faithful to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and steadfast in proclaiming them. While present on the school campus, every adult has the responsibility of appropriate conduct, in order to support the school's mission and provide positive models to our students. No one in the context of St. John the Baptist school community is to give witness to a lifestyle that is in conflict with the morality of the Gospel. A coherent witness to Catholic moral teaching is expected at the school, especially in behavior which is evident and public. Any other kind of behavior needs to be addressed and may need to be corrected. The Pastor is the final judge in applying this principle. At the time of acceptance, preference will be given to students whose parents are active parishioners.